Portland Real Estate July 20, 2023

Selling Your Home: Tax Implications

Selling a home can be an exciting and sometimes daunting process. Besides the emotional and logistical aspects, it’s essential to consider the tax implications involved in selling your home. Understanding these implications can help you plan effectively, maximize your profits, and ensure compliance with tax regulations. Today we’ll explore some key tax considerations when selling your home. Please note; that all the information provided in this blog post is accessible online to everyone, and it’s important to understand that the Edwardsen Family Real Estate Team does not possess tax expertise. If you have additional inquiries or concerns regarding taxation, we strongly recommend consulting a qualified tax professional for accurate guidance.

Capital Gains Tax: One of the primary tax implications of selling your home is the capital gains tax. Capital gains are the profits you make from the sale of a capital asset, such as a house. The amount of tax you owe depends on the length of time you owned the property and the profit you made from the sale.

a. Primary Residence Exclusion: The good news is that if you meet certain criteria, you may qualify for the primary residence exclusion. Under this provision, you can exclude up to $250,000 in capital gains if you’re a single filer, or up to $500,000 if you’re married and filing jointly. To qualify, you must have owned the property and used it as your primary residence for at least two out of the five years preceding the sale.

b. Partial Exclusion: If you don’t meet the requirements for the full exclusion but had to sell your home due to specific unforeseen circumstances, such as a change in health, employment, or unforeseen events, you might be eligible for a partial exclusion.

Deductible Selling Expenses: When selling your home, you may incur certain expenses directly related to the sale. Some of these expenses may be deductible, reducing your overall tax liability. Deductible selling expenses typically include real estate agent commissions, attorney fees, advertising costs, and title insurance fees. Make sure to keep accurate records of these expenses and consult a tax professional to determine which expenses are deductible in your specific situation.

Home Improvements and Adjusted Basis: Another crucial tax consideration is the adjusted basis of your home. The adjusted basis is essentially the original purchase price of your home, plus the cost of any permanent improvements you made over the years, minus any depreciation or casualty losses. When you sell your home, the difference between the sale price and the adjusted basis determines your capital gains. Therefore, keeping track of your home improvement expenses can help reduce your taxable gain.

1031 Exchange: For homeowners looking to invest in another property, a 1031 exchange can provide a tax-deferred option. Under Section 1031 of the Internal Revenue Code, you can defer paying capital gains tax if you reinvest the proceeds from the sale of your home into a “like-kind” property. However, there are specific rules and timeframes associated with 1031 exchanges, so it’s important to consult with a tax professional before pursuing this option.

Selling your home involves more than just finding a buyer and signing a contract. Understanding the tax implications is crucial to avoid surprises and make informed decisions. Capital gains tax, deductible selling expenses, adjusted basis, and the option of a 1031 exchange are key factors to consider. Consult with a qualified tax professional to ensure you comply with the tax regulations and maximize your financial benefits when selling your home. By planning ahead and seeking professional advice, you can navigate the tax implications successfully and make the most of your home sale.

Lisa & Rob

Edwardsen Family Real Estate